Podcast: Unlocking Potential, Episode 2 - The Ongoing Challenges of Security Printing




Security printing is becoming increasingly state-of-the-art with new techniques and technologies – but so, too, is counterfeiting. Because of those and other challenges, security printers must constantly stay on top of the latest technologies and processes to make sure they’re serving their customers and making the printing process airtight.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, said Gerry Stanford, Baldwin Vision Systems Global Sales Leader, who gets joy out of the tinkering process and making sure Baldwin is meeting its customers’ expectations.

“I think one of the things that’s really fun – and challenging at the same time – about security print is companies in this industry are always moving requirements of security print techniques, both tangible and otherwise, and that requires companies like ours to continually advance and develop our solutions to meet the needs of our customers and stay ahead of counterfeiting threats in the broad market,” he said.

Erwin Wagner, Global Sales Manager for Security Print, also feels that passion and love for security printing and recalled that some of the same challenges his company was working with nearly a decade ago, including manufacturing nearly all equipment but the lightbulbs in house, are still the same types of challenges the industry faces today.

“That in itself provided quite a few challenges, the greatest being to further develop these systems and add functions with any reasonable time frame,” he said. “Back then, we were providing those quality control systems to printers around the world, and it’s an industry I continued to have been immersed in ever since. Once you’re in it and get hooked, it keeps you. It doesn’t let you go.”

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